Field Notes from the Border presents new work by contemporary artists working along the border in Ireland. A series of cross border exhibitions and engagement programmes curated by Gallery of Photography respond to the anxiety raised by the prospect of the imposition of a hard border and the unfolding events brought about by Brexit. Field Notes from the Border #1 opens to the public in Gallery of Photography on Thursday 7 March at 2pm. The official launch and engagement programme will take place on Thursday 21 March. Exhibition continues until 7 April.
Anthony Haughey’s exhibition and film installations respond to the perceived imminent threat of Brexit to peace and stability in Ireland. New video works, photographs and texts reflect on Ireland’s ‘seamless’ border and consider how function, meaning, and effect are often in a state of flux. As WT Mitchell observes, it is ‘a process of human interventions, intersubjective relations and ideologies that determines our understanding of the landscape.’
Looking at the Border from both sides now review The Irish Times
Fieldnotes from the Border – how Brexit inspired a new art show RTE online
Field Notes from the Border # 2 RCC Letterkenny more information
Field Notes from the Border # 3 Nerve Centre Derry, more information