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No Place Like Home, The Domestic in Irish Photography 20 July – 2 September 2023

No Place Like Home

The Domestic in Irish Photography

2 September – 2 September 2023

Michael, Mosney Direct Provision Centre © Anthony Haughey 2005

As a people with a long history of migration and dispossession, the notion of home is a deeply emotional one in Ireland. Although evoking a nostalgic sense of warmth and security, the lived reality of domestic life is often at odds with idealised representations.

This exhibition considers what ‘home’ looks like in Ireland today and how it reflects wider societal changes.No Place Like Home brings together work by leading established and early career artists who take us beyond the front door to reveal their experiences of home and domestic life, offering diverse perspectives on family, migration, mental health and economic disparity in Ireland.

This exhibition is being presented against the background of Ireland’s current housing crisis, with secure and affordable accommodation beyond reach for a large segment of the population. These artists propose new ways to visualise the complex realities of home and housing, placing these issues in a broader historical context, interrogating the distance between our notional ideas of home and the lived experience, and showing how the family unit is being redefined. More information here

Categories: News.